Surviving Katyń – Audiobook read by Jane Rogoyska

Surviving Katyń is now available as an audiobook. You can buy it from, and other audiobook websites.

Surviving Katyń on History Extra podcast

Following publication of my new book, Surviving Katyń, on May 6th 2021 I was delighted to be invited to record an interview with Rob Attar for the BBC History Extra podcast.

Between us I think we managed to convey a real flavour of this complex story: hopefully listeners will come away with a good understanding of the subject and will want to find out more.

Surviving Katyń on Travels Through Time podcast

Following publication of my new book, Surviving Katyń, on May 6th, I was delighted to be invited to record an interview with Peter Moore for the podcast series Travels Through Time, which asks historians the tantalising question: ‘If you could travel back in time, which year would you visit?’